
Research repeatedly reveals how important a strong educational foundation is to later success. The merits of high quality early childhood education programs are well known, but the benefits can fade quickly if the subsequent K-12 system is not up to par. This is precisely why strengthening the birth through third grade continuum has become a popular policy solution. Aligning early childhood and elementary education systems allows policymakers and educators to better meet the unique needs of young children and ensure they do not fall behind. Integrating early education into the greater K-12 system provides children with a more cohesive and coordinated educational experience.

Among the initiatives that aim to strengthen the birth through third grade continuum, accountability may not be the first that comes to mind. But last month, Elliot Regenstein and Rio Romero-Jurado of the Ounce of Prevention Fund released a report on a reimagined accountability structure, in which they propose combining early education and K-12 accountability systems at the state level. These single, statewide systems would span from birth through high school and combine best practices of existing systems...